If you wish to cancel your content provider registration...
Log in to the account you wish to cancel the registration for and send the following information through our inquiry form.
Subject: [FANBOX PRINT] I want to cancel my content provider registration Body: I want to cancel my content provider registration on FANBOX PRINT.
Your pixiv user ID (numbers):
Your registered e-mail address on pixiv:
*To find your pixiv user ID, visit your profile page. The numbers at the end of the URL (https://www.pixiv.net/users/xxxx) are your user ID.
However, please note that you cannot cancel your registration if...
- You have print products currently on sale through FANBOX PRINT
- You have uncollected earnings on FANBOX PRINT
If you wish to cancel your content provider registration and want to claim any outstanding earnings...
If you have uncollected earnings and need to cancel your account due to unavoidable circumstances, please log in to the account you wish to cancel the registration for and send the following information through our inquiry form.
[FANBOX PRINT] I want to cancel my content provider registration and request the payout of unclaimed earnings under 5,000 JPY
I want to cancel my content provider registration on FANBOX PRINT and request the payout of unclaimed earnings under 5,000 JPY.
Your pixiv user ID (numbers):
Your registered e-mail address on pixiv:
*To find your pixiv user ID, visit your profile page. The numbers at the end of the URL (https://www.pixiv.net/users/xxxx) are your user ID.
For more details on receiving royalties, visit the page below.