General content information
Pricing / Sale locations / Types of products you can sell
What is the FANBOX PRINT Creator Fest?
The FANBOX PRINT Creator Fest is a special event where, with permis...
About registering images and the Content Creation Manual
When registering content, it is essential that all images comply wi...
About prohibited content
There are specific types of content that cannot be registered or so...
Can I sell real-life content?
Yes, FANBOX PRINT allows the sale of real-life photographs in addit...
Can I sell fan art?
No, FANBOX PRINT does not allow the sale of fan art as print produc...
Can I restock the same content multiple times?
Yes, content providers are free to register and sell the same conte...
Can I sell content using commercial works for which I am the author/original creator?
If you are the author or original creator of a commercial work, the...
Can I register new content or restock existing products if there are issues with my bank account information?
You cannot register new content or restock existing products if the...